Learning how to follow multiple step directions is an important skill for school aged kids, both for school activities and for self care skills (ie: getting dressed, brushing teeth, etc.) I love using these games to work on sequencing skill in a fun way! These games are also nice for supporting turn taking and social interaction skills. All of the below games are great for working on following multiple step directions.
*this post contains amazon affiliate links for ease with finding recommended games
1.The Cat in the Hat I Can Do That Game
This is a wonderful game for following 3 step visual directions while incorporating gross motor skills (ie: crab walk, crawl under, hopping.) I love playing this game as a warm up prior to seated fine motor activities during OT sessions. This activity can be graded down for younger kids….. with preschoolers I often will use the first 2 steps only. I also love that it is a nice way to work on positional skills like “over, under, through, around.”
2. Thumbs Up
This is a nice game for following multiple step directions and also works on fine motor skills! You are given different picture cards with colored numbers and you must place the rings on your thumb in the same order as pictured on the card. I love the added fine motor component of only using one hand to do this, working on your hand manipulation skills as well. The way to play is whomever scoops up their pieces first in correct order wins, however I often play by having each of my kiddos have their own card and scoop up the pieces as fast as they can individually. I like that this game also has different levels, some cards only have a few numbers and then others have up to 7. A fun sequencing game! Another adaptation I like to use is have their kids lay on their tummies on the ground while propped on their elbows to add in some proximal strengthening skills.
3. Pancake Pile Up Relay Game
This is a great game for pre school and early elementary aged kids that works on early sequencing skills- Match the sequence of pancakes on the cards to building them with your spatula! This is also wonderful game for a variety of skills, it incorporates gross motor skills, as you can vary the amount of length between the start and finish, can add in obstacles or things to step over and a nice game for incorporating movement too! This game also works on f visual skills-use visual memory to recall which type of pancake is next to retrieve, and also works on visual perceptual skills for matching the types of pancakes in correct sequence to the picture. This game is also great for fine motor skills and hand/eye coordination skills as you must balance the pancakes on the spatula while carrying to your plate. I also love that this game can be easily graded to different skill levels and to what skills you want to focus on: for younger kids you can just focus on transporting the pancakes (and even omit using the spatula) or sit at the table and just work on visual skills with sequencing the correct order for pancakes….so many modification options! Mostly, my kids have been LOVING this game, it is perfect for food themed activities and for rainy day movement fun!

This is a fun game that I loved playing as a kid (especially in the dark!) This game is great for working on visual memory and visual sequencing skills. It is perfect for early elementary aged kids and is a single player game.
I hope you have found these game ideas helpful!
by Kim Heyer OTR/L 12/2017